Sunday, July 29, 2007

no sunday morning church

That's because I went to Saturday night church at Prestonwood.

Oh man I love Saturday night church for so many reason....
1. Make my Saturday night 100 times more exciting than it probably would have been.
2. I'm not sleepy during church.
3. It's more casual dressed. Jeans all the way baby!!!!
4. And most importantly...I slept til 10am this morning.

So I've been searching for a church in Dallas since I moved back. I love my home church, the church that my parents still go to. Other than Living Hope in College Station, that is the only onther church I've ever gone to. I love going to it and seeing people I know. I feel so love there. They just got a new pastor and I love him to. There is just no classes for me to go to, no group for me to fit into. I feel so selfish saying that because church is not all about me. But I really feel like at this transition time in my life I need somewhere to plug into and be served and then find a place to serve with those people that I meet!

So 4 or 5 churches later I think I found the one. And it's definitely the church I thought I would never go to and almost swore to never visit. Prestonwood Baptist....also probably known as Prestonwood University. It's flippin' huge. I mean they have a bookstore, a workout place, a cafe, a huge cafeteria, and probably more but we got lost walking around so we just tried to stay near the front of the building. IT'S HUGE.

I had been to Prestonwood one other time probably in April before I had moved back for good and I did not like it at all. I went to the Sunday service and that had this humongus choir and every guy was wearing suits and it was just very high churchy. And coming from Living Hope it was VERY different. I didn't go to bible study or anything, but I swore I would never go again. I did not like it.

My Mom made me go back..haha! She told me to just give it a chance because she heard they had really big singles groups and more casual Saturday night church. So I grabbed an old high school friend and we drove to Plano to go to Prestonwood. Of course when we get there at 6:30 we realize church started at 6 so I'm already like "I don't like this church." The this guy starts preaching and I realize he's not even the real pastor. For some reason I have this curse that any time I visit a church the real pastor is not preaching, so I never get a real feel for what the church is like and I have to come back. Well when the pastor introduced himself he said he was the Singles Minister. I instantly fell God telling me "He is preaching so you will listen and want to get involved in his ministry!" His sermon was amazing. So afterwards I told Valerie, I'm going to be brave and just find the information desk and ask about Bible Studies afterwards....easier said than done....we never actually found the information booth.

But instead I ran into a guy that graduated high school with my big brother and that my family has known since my childhood. God is cool. So Justin invites us to go to Transit, which is the Singles Bible Study on Saturday night. Val and I went and loved it, then we went to dinner at B.J.'s in Addison. The people we met were so nice and have so many fun opportunities this week for me to get involved. I'm going to a pool party tonight, a girl's Bible Study tomorrow, and I'm playing volleyball on Tuesday. God is so good, and I hope that I continue to meet people at this huge church and find a small group that I can conect with and be held accountable too!


Monday, July 23, 2007

scripture memory

Psalm 119:105
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."

Psalm 119:111
"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

These are two scriptures that I remember learning at a very young age. These two scriptures help me remember to keep learning more and more scriptures and to hide his word in my heart and truly KNOW it. I used to do Bible drill at my church when I was a young kid, memorize a verse a week when I first started doing a Quiet Time, and even in high school and the first year of College I would memorize whole passages like Psalm 139, 1 Corinthians 13, James 1, Philipians 1, Psalm 121, and Psalm 23.

I feel like I have been such a slacker and Satan lets me believe that I don't have time to memorize scripture. But I do. I memorize things so easily and I believe that is tool that the Lord gave me that I need to be using.

I was so convicted at church on Sunday when the pastor showed this video.

If a little girl can memorize Psalm 23 than I can too! Scripture is such a beautiful thing. When you don't have any words to say or can't think of the right words to say to someone, scripture always works. So don't let Satan tell you that you don't have time to hide God's word in your heart, because you do have time!!! I'm going to make time this week. Are you??


Sunday, July 22, 2007

check list for being a grown up

1. Get a job .....check
2. Pay bills ......check
3. Get a dog.....check
4. Get a blog!

No one is pressuring me to get a blog but I feel like every grown up has one. All of my married friends are getting them, out of college friends, families from church, and the list goes on. It's must be the cool thing to do these now.

No really I set up this blog for the sole purpose of staying in touch with the people that are important to me in my, old friends, new friends, married friends, single friends, younger friends, older friends, church friends, family friends and well ...anyone!!! I read so many peoples blogs that I haven't talked to in quite sometime, but it's just good to know what going on in their lives. So I hope this keeps you informed on my life. I'm about to start a wild journey starting my first year of teaching Kindergarten. Those little kids are crazy and will definitely keep my life interesting.

Here are some pictures of me and my precious little puppy Izzie. She is a Malti-poo and I just love her to death. She is 4 months now and this pictures are when she was way younger. She weighed about 4-5 pounds then and now she weighs 8. I'll put updated pictures some other time! She has been such a great companion in these last few transitions months between college and starting my new job. Anywaze...feel free to comment anytime!

Hopefully coming soon....
-more pics of Izzie growing up
-hilarious videos of Izzie
-pictures of my new classroom

Just give me some time. It just took me forever to get these pictures up here. And I'm not really even sure they look great! Until next time...


Friday, July 20, 2007

1st blog post

Still trying to figure all this out...I'm a little bit confused!!!