Monday, December 01, 2008

Like Mother like Daughter

Every one says I look just like my Mom.  We don't think we look anything alike.  We may or may not look alike, but we are alot alike in many other ways.

We both love a good deal.  (i.e,  Hobby Lobby's 40% off coupons, Marshall's, Ross, Garage Sales, and any store that has good sales)

We both like ice in our milk and our juice.

We both like chick-flicks and don't understand any other kind of movie with out asking our husbands a million questions.  

One most recent things I've notice that my Mom and I do alike is so silly.  I have no explanation of why I do this except for...."that's just how my Mom does it"

These are my cute red canister in my kitchen.

And this is what me AND my Mom put in them...

Yes, you saw that right.  Ramon Noodles, Tea, and Sweet 'N Low.  

But one of the good things I have copied from my Mom is how I decorated our Christmas tree this year.  My Mom always does a fabulous job, so I just decided to copy her.  

Thanks Mom!!  I love you!!!

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