Sunday, December 21, 2008

On the 6th Day of Christmas

My true love gave to me

Six Geese-a-Laying

We went to our Sunday School Christmas party on Friday night.  The theme was the 12 days of Christmas.  Each couple was given a day and they had to dress up like that day.  Everyone's costumes were so funny!  

We chose to do a little play on words.  You can't really read our name tags, but they say "I'm a goose." We came in with 6 "leis" each but as soon as we got to the partying we started "leis-ing!"  Get it!!!

We had such a great time at the party.  We've just recently started going to The Heights Baptist Church.  We've joined  class called The Hooneymooners, and it's a perfect fit for us.  We have met some really great people and we look forward to lots of fun times with them!!

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