Thursday, December 04, 2008

What Is The True Meaning of Christmas?

This video was shown at church on Sunday. It really made me think of what the true meaning of Christmas really is. Every year I start to get caught up in the shopping, the parties, the trees, the decorations, the lights and everything else that comes along with Christmas. But every year, I am reminded of the true meaning of Christmas. This year, this video really hit me.

If you go to their website, their "About Us" section simply says...





I couldn't have said it any better. 

Advent was never something my family did growing up, nor did our church do it.  To be completely honest, I have no idea what it really is.  All I know about it is that you light candles on a wreath.  We have started going to The Heights Baptist Church and they are doing it.  

With this being mine and Matt's first Christmas together as a married couple. I want to start traditions now. I want Christmas to have true meaning in our family.  

I am eager to research some on what advent really is and start it in our family.  

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