Monday, January 19, 2009

Date Night

Matt and I had a long week, so we decided to make Friday night a Date Night and just spend some quality time together.

We started the evening at home with some Chicken Noodle Soup and some Crab Triangles. This has become one of our staple meals at The Link Home.

The recipe is super I'll share.

Crab Triangles
Mix a stick of butter or margarine, one jar of Old English Cheese, a can of fancy white crab meat, 2 Tablespoons of Miracle Whip, and a dash of garlic salt in a bowl. Once you get it all mixed up, spread it onto English Muffin halves. Freeze for 10-15 minutes, then cut up into quarters and store in a ziploc bag. I keep these in the freezer and then cook about 16 for me and Matt to eat with Chicken Noodle Soup. Yum Yum!!

After dinner we headed to the movies and saw.....

.......Gran Torino. I have to say that I really enjoyed the movie. I did not think that I would enjoy a Clint Eastwood movie. I'm definitely a "chick flick" kind of girl, and I don't think Clint Eastwood has ever been in a "chick flick." The language is awful in this movie. Normally bad language in movies really bothers me, because it's usually not necessary. But in this movie, I felt like it really helped portray the lives of the people in the movie. I think it is a must see.

This is an awful picture of me. I was being silly. But it's a great picture of my husband. I just had to post it because I recently told him that I wanted to try to take a picture everyday, and this is the only picture we got of the evening. He's such a good sport when it comes to taking pictures. I know he hates it, but he always looks so great in them.

So if you are looking for a great Date Night, go see Gran Torino and if you are in a cooking mood, try some Crab Triangles.


  1. just stumbled upon your blog! Love it! I love your 2008 recap in photos.. great idea!

  2. Hey, I miss your pretty face!! We went and saw the movie too. I agree.... I loved it even though it had language in it!
