Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Love My Backyard!

I absolutely love my backyard.  I loved the inside of the house when we were first looking at it.  But when I saw the backyard, I really loved the house.   It's wonderful.  I can't wait until we get our hammock chair hanging and get some patio furniture and a grill.  It will be an awesome place to hang out when the weather warms up.  

My favorite thing about our backyard is the view out our back fence.  

This pond is home to atleast 50 ducks.  Our next door neighbor feeds them everyday, so they really hang around close to our fence in the early evening.  

Izzie stays outside all day while I'm at school, so I'm glad that she has a place that she can run and play.  I think she likes having the company of the ducks!

I sure do love my backyard, but I love my sweet husband who takes care of our yard even more!!

P.S.  Be watching for a virtual tour coming hopefully sooner than later.  As soon as I get curtains up, I'll get a virtual tour of our home posted.  

1 comment:

  1. Yay for your yard, datenight, and skittle allergies! I'm FINALLY caught up!!
