Tuesday, February 10, 2009

i saw that one coming

Bye, Bye Naomi

I'm not surprised one bit that Naomi went home last night on the Bachelor. Her family was crazy. Her mom had some funky beliefs. She said alot of contradicting statements last night.

She told her Dad that they had talked about her beliefs, and that he knew where she stood. Then in an interview she said that she wished that they had talked more about religion and her spirituality. Hmmm....

She also said that she could care less if they believe the same things. Then she said that she feels like they are so right and that when two people have the same hearts and care about the same things you can do magic. Well they obviously they would never make it because they don't have any of the same beliefs.

I'm still lovin' Jillian. She really opened up to Jason about her Mom, and that was very important. (especially since her Mom mentioned it to Jason) That really showed that she trusts him. I loved her family. They looked like they had a good time and there was no forced conversation.

I can see how Molly is the way that she is. Her family seemed to be the very country club, snobby, rich type people. I still don't like her. And her smile looks evil. Maybe that's why I dont like her.

Melissa is my second favorite. She is cute and funny and excited about Jason. I do, however find it odd that none of her friends know much about her parents, and she won't talk about her parents that much. That would be scary to move on the next level in relationship without seeing her family.

I really have no idea who is going to send home next week. It's all going to depend on the dates. I don't think he really likes one over another at this point. And I don't really think there is a front runner. We'll just have to wait and see.

I have to say that I am like Jason less and less as the show goes on. I am not excited for Deanna coming back. I really hope that the scene where they show him crying over the balcony is not over her. I never really liked her, and he should NOT take her back after what she did to him.


  1. Katy,
    I agree 100% with everything you said!
    I seriously cannot believe DeAnna comes back. He needs to kick her to the curb!!
    I really like Jillian a lot. She is so cute, funny, and down to earth. I really want to see how she would be with kids though. I just can't see her being the mom type.
    Melissa was my first favorite last week but has been booted to second favorite. I think it is odd that her parent's are not talked about at all. I think there is something fishy going on!
    Molly needs to go next week! I just think she is a little stuck up and full of herself!

    The previews of next week look rated R!


  2. Hey girls! Sorry I'm so late on chiming in...

    I agree 100%, too! I used to like Melissa the best but now I am going for Jllian. The family stuff with Melissa just seems off. I am also ready for Molly to go.

    I think this whole Deanna thing is really weird, I think that she just likes attention.

    Until next week!
