Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Sunday Funday

We started off the afternoon hanging out with some Honeymooners at The Bowen's house. They have a giant projector screen upstairs that is great for sports watching. Naturally, the guys all went upstairs while the girls hung-out where the smaller TV and the food was!! I watched the last 2 minutes of the first half. I spend all my time chatting with the girls and eating junk food. I didn't even watch any commercials.

We left at half-time to head over to Matt's sisters house. We celebrated Bryan's birthday with the whole family.

A while back, I made some Snickerdoodles and brought them to Matt's parents house over Christmas. My nephew Preston probably ate 10 in one night. He asked me if I would have "those cookies" the next time I saw him.

I had to keep to my promise, so I made Sweet Preston his cookies.

He was so excited to eat them, even though he had already eaten some birthday cake. After he had already eaten 2 or 3. He asked me if he could have another one. I told him he needed to ask his Mom, and he said, "She said no." He was trying to do everything he could to get another cookie!

I think I watched the whole 4th quarter. It was a pretty excited game at the end. Our other nephew Peyton was so funny to watch the game with. He is only in 2nd grade, but he knows more about sports than I do. All the other cousins were playing and dancing, and he was with all the adults watching the game. At the end of the game, when we were al hoping the Cardinals would pull it out, he keep saying. "If this were Madden football, I could win!" Silly boy.

Here's Uncle Matty and Peyton.

Right before we left, all the kids were getting a little rowdy. Matt had to get onto Preston for throwing something. Preston was not to happy about that, so he told Matt to "Shut up." Matt got onto him and let his Dad know. Of course he got in trouble, but as we were leaving he came and told Matt, "I'm sorry and I FORGIVE YOU!" I thought it was so cute that he had it all backwards, but he was totally sincere.

Then we topped the night off with a great episode of The Office!

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