Friday, April 10, 2009

mavs game

My Dad called last night and asked if  Matt and I wanted to go to the Mavericks game today.  Someone gave him 4 tickets.  If you know my husband at all, you know that he loves ALL sports, so of course I said yes.   My Dad then let me know that he had seats on the front row of the second balcony, a free buffet dinner at the Platinum club, and underground parking.  Needless to say we were both very excited about our double date with my parents!  
We got to the AAC early to eat dinner, and as I was eating my four cheese tortelini, grilled veggies, and fancy hor' devours, I did not feel like I was at a Mavericks game.  Most of the time I associate nachos, burgers, popcorn and pretzels with the Mavericks game.  This was a whole new experience.    Thanks Mom and Dad for thinking of us and taking us to the Mavs game Platinum style!!!

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