Thursday, April 30, 2009

top 4

Yay! I'm so excited about the top four people on American Idol.  I had all of them in my Top 4 when they announced them as the Top 13.  And I had Adam and Danny picked from the moment I heard them auditioned. 

I LOVE them all, Adam, Kris, Danny, and Alison.  I think I will be happy with whoever wins.  

But I have to say I really want Adam Lambert to win.  

I know, I know, I know....he's different, he most likely gay, and he's kind of freaky.  But you have to admit he has a good voice.  The main reason I like him is because when they showed him auditioning, they said that he sang in the musical Wicked.  I knew then, that he was going to be my favorite before he even sang because I love Wicked.  

So my vote (even thought I don't vote) is for Adam Lambert. 

My husband's vote is for Kris Allen.

Who is your vote for?

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