Monday, June 22, 2009

father's day at the lake

We celebrated Father's Day on Saturday by having both of our parents come over for dinner. We had pretty yummy meal if I do say so myself. We had hamburgers and corn on the cob (cooked on the grill, by my hubby), baked beans, chips and corn dip, watermelon and a Strawberry Pretzel dessert.

*I'll post about the dessert later this week, because it was delicious!!

After dinner we headed out to the lake for an evening ride. Izzie even came along.

Matt, my little brother, Drew, and I all wakeboarded while our parents watch us show off our skills!!

Matt's parents, Alisa & Stan
My parents, Kevin & Pam
Happy Father's Day to our wonderful fathers!! We are so thankful for you guys and for all that your do for us! We love you!!

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