Tuesday, June 09, 2009

sonic in the summer

Is it just me, or does Sonic taste so much better in the summer?

There is just something about an ice cold Diet Coke with Vanilla on a hot summer day, especially when you go during happy hour and get it for less than a dollar. I have an abundance of gift cards that are quickly vanishing because of my frequent stops to Sonic this summer.

What is your favorite Sonic drink?


  1. I love cherry coke, diet cherry limeade, and ocean water!

  2. I'm pretty sure they put something in their drinks cause I'm addicted!!! Diet Dr. Pepper

  3. Diet cherry limeade, or diet vanilla coke, or ocean water. Oh, and orange slushes. Can you tell I'm an addict too?

  4. And.....when I'm in the mood for something really sweet, I get a Diet Coke with Vanilla AND CREAM.

    Don't ask me what the cream is, because I have no idea!!! But it's so good and it makes it taste like a coke float. SOOOOO GOOD!!!!

    And I agree....there is something addiciting in Sonic drinks....

  5. mmmm yum....makes me want one right now! I also love diet coke with vanilla. When I'm in the healthy mood I go for a diet coke with low calorie cherry and when I'm pregnant I go for a cherry limeade or large water with extra ice and either lemon or lime (no caffeine). delicious!!

  6. lime slush. remember you used to go everyday for happy hour! how fun!
