Monday, July 13, 2009


UPDATE: This giveaway is now over. Thanks so much for participating.
Be looking for more contests in the future!!

Welcome to.....

{The Link Home}

To celebrate my new blog makeover, I will be hosting my first giveaway!!

I will be giving away one of my Mom's personalized
denim diaper bags from her Etsy Shop.

She has been making these bags for almost 27 years. They are great for babies, toddlers, and even pre-schoolers. Lots of our friends have used them as "church bags". The winner of this giveaway will be able to choose their own design and personalization for their bag. If you don't need a bag right away, you can have a rain check to order one at a later date.

{You don't have to have a baby to enter this giveaway. These bags make wonderful baby shower gifts!!}

There are LOTS of chances to enter this giveaway so please read the directions carefully to maximize your chances to win. Also, be sure to leave a separate comment for each entry.

I will pick one winner at random on Saturday, July 18th.

For the first entry, let me know how you found my blog!!

{It is A-Okay if you don't know me. I'm just curious to know how you found The Link Home and who reads my blog. Trust me.....I read lots of blogs of people I don't know!! }

For the second entry, go take a peek at my Mom's Etsy Shop or her Flickr Website and then come back and tell me what your favorite thing is and you will be entered.

For extra entries:
**Write a post about this giveaway on your blog and link back to me {include your blog address in your comment}
**Write about this giveaway in your facebook status. {include your status in your comment}
**Tweet about this giveaway on Twitter! {include the URL to your tweet or your username in your comment}

And as a special bonus, if you do 2 of the extra entries, you may come back and enter once per day!!

And don't forget--leave a separate comment for each entry! You have until Saturday to enter. Good luck!


  1. Well, I found your blog on facebook! Your status one day said that you were blogging, so I checked it out, and now I check it ALL the time! Love seeing what you guys are up to, even though I haven't seen you in YEARS!

    Hope life is going well... it certainly seems to be. :)

    -Ryan (Abbott) Hargrave

  2. I found your blog because you gave it to me :) Yay for doing a fun giveaway!! Don't worry, I'll be back with more entries. :) heheh

  3. I like the cute little ribbon bibs and burp cloths :) Everything is super cute though!! Your mom is very talented :)

  4. I found your blog on FB. Like the new look of the blog - cute! I still use the denim bag your mom made for Bix almost 6 yrs ago. Heading to ETSY to see her stuff. Will definitely point friends her way as I didn't realize she had her own store. :)

  5. I found your blog on your facebook page.
    I found out you know Annie Davis from A&M. We both go to church together up here in KC. Small World!!!

  6. I found your blog, well b/c we're friends..haha! I love the diaper bags and would really love for Cade to have one!

  7. I love the striped apron and rubber gloves set on your mom's site. She is so creative!

  8. I love the denim apron your mom makes. I saw it in your post about Jamie's shower. I will have to order me one of those when I get married haha.

  9. I like the striped apron & gloves and you are a fabulous model. I want a diaper/tote bag for Josey with the flowers or butterflies...she's in that stage of carrying everything around including her ballet gear. C'mon, I changed your diapers and taught you to walk, you owe me. LOL!! ;)

  10. Ok so I'm not sure if this is right, but here is the link for my facebook status.

    Brittnea Cartwright you should go check out this blog for a fun giveaway!!!
    The Links
    She has been making these bags for almost 27 years. They are great for babies, toddlers, and even pre-schoolers. Lots of our friends have used them as "church bags". The winner of this giveaway will be able to choose their own design and personalization for their bag. ...

  11. Here's my FB status: I was Katy's first babysitter and now she's all grown-up. Check out her blog for a FREE bag giveaway -

    I don't blog or Twitter - sorry!

  12. So I apparently really want to win this

    My twitter username is erinmosier and I tweeted about your fun little giveaway.

  13. Here's my fb status update as well....
    Erin Rogers Mosier thinks you should check out for a cool giveaway!

  14. I found your blog through the Bacak's Blog! I was very excited because I was able to re-connect with you since college!! ;)

  15. So my favorite thing on your mom's blog is the personalized burp cloths! I also really love the basketball bib, I could totally see Wyatt wearing one of those. Your mom is so creative... I love her site, I am going to have to order stuff for gifts in the near future! ;)

  16. Jodi Gesino Crawford Go check out... My friend Katy is doing a GRREAT giveaway. Any mom would love to have one of these for their little one!

    That was my facebook statues just now... I think I am with Erin on this one. I would love a bag!!! ;)

  17. I found your blog off of Erin Mosier's blog.

  18. And I'm in love with your Mom's black and white striped apron and glove set. I'm seriously contemplating buying a set. :)

  19. I found your blog because you were my roomie from college!!! I love the giveaway ides too...I will be back with some more entries!

  20. Erin Elias Cureton checking out and thinks you should too!! She is having a giveaway!!

    Here is my facebook status!

  21. I also tweeted about the giveaway on twitter!

  22. I knew your mom made the bags but I love the burp cloths!!! My mom and I have started to make a few but they just have fun material!!

  23. I knew your mom made the bags but I love the burp cloths!!! My mom and I have started to make a few but they just have fun material!!

  24. Check out my blog....! I have a post about the giveaway!!! ;)

  25. I honestly can't tell you how I heard about your blog. The same goes for how we met. Once you've known someone so long and they become such a part of your life from such a young age, it's like they've always been there--forever. That's how I feel about your blog. I think I've been reading it forever, and I enjoy it every time!

  26. I found your blog through Alli's Blog. I was in Phi Lamb with you at A&M and grew up with Kristin Tipton- your roommate! I love reading your blog! I saw that you teach in WISD - My best friend is a Kindergarten Teacher at Groves! :) and my parents live in the new Woodbridge area!


  27. My Favorite item on your mom's site is all the burp cloths!! I may just purchase one for Audrey!


  28. Check out for a fun giveaway!! - my FB status

    I posted about your giveaway on my blog! Love the new look!

  29. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I actually went to your link from Nicole's facebook status. She always sends good links so I had to check it out. Glad I did.

    Alyssa Johnson
    CS, Texas

  30. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I love the lady bug bag on your Mom's site. Too cute!

  31. I found your blog on Facebook - my friend Erin said I needed to come her because you;re having a giveaway.

  32. My favorite things from your mom's Etsy shops are the diaper bags and the burp clothes. They're cute and personal! They look Great!

  33. Here is my Facebook status:

    Sara D Coop checking out and he is having a giveaway!! Free stuff is always good especially with all these babies being born

    The Links
    She has been making these bags for almost 27 years. They are great for babies, toddlers, and even pre-schoolers. Lots of our friends have used them as "church bags". The winner of this giveaway will be able to choose their own design and personalization for their bag. ...
    2 seconds ago · Comment · LikeUnlike · Share

  34. Love, love the "ashley" bag with the flower. Not sure what the name of it is! Would love one of these for my girls!

  35. Entering again today! Leaving out of town tonight, but can't wait to see the results!

  36. Here for my entry for today! Love those bags!


  37. Entering again today!


  38. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I found out about your blog on facebook. We had a class together in college. After reading the blog about leaving your dog in the car and the note someone left, I had to check in and see what other things were going on! I really enjoy your stories and pictures!


  39. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Oh! I looked at your mom's stuff on ETSY and love the teacher bag! I would love that for field trips!!

  40. Here for my daily entry :)


  41. Found your blog on your mom's FB wall status! So excited--would love one of these bags. They are adorable!

  42. This is my second entry! I looked on your mom's Etsy and Flickr sites and I have to say--all if cute as can be, but I love the diaper bags or baby bags the best! Love the fact that you can put a name on them. Can't wait to get one!

  43. Here is another entry for me!!

  44. Twitter post:

  45. My favorite thing on your mom's site is the matching aprons and gloves! What a diva housewife I could be!

  46. Facebook status post: Check out for a sweet giveaway!
