Wednesday, July 01, 2009

snail mail

I had an exciting trip to the mailbox today!!

I got an invitation for this little guy's 1st birthday!!

I got my summer school pay-check!!

And this arrived in the mail today!!

I can't wait to start editing my photos like The Pioneer Woman.


I can't wait to learn how to digital scrapbook like my sister in law.

**My sister in law made this page for us when we got engaged.

Good thing summer school is over TOMORROW because I've got a party to go to, money to spend, photos to be edited, and digital scrapbook pages to be made.

1 comment:

  1. the dishes are from pottery barn and the casserole dish is from williams sonoma....oh my gosh...this recipe was SOOOO dont understand....I am in the VERY beginning stages of cooking...and this was a breeze
