Tuesday, July 14, 2009

surprise! surprise!

How many guys do you think it takes to pull in an anchor?

Normally, it should just take one.

But here it was taking two guys.
And here it is taking three guys.
When we realized we were pulling up some twigs, we understood why it was taking so many guys.
But they kept pulling and found out it wasn't twigs, but a tree.
A huge tree. My Dad thinks it was about 30 ft. tall.
Everyone anchored around us was just staring at us like we were crazy.
The guys finally got the tree sideways and Drew hung out the side of the boat and grabbed the anchor.
They were all exhausted after finally getting the anchor unhooked from the tree and back into the boat.

So apparently if you are pulling a tree in with your anchor it take 4 guys to pull it in and a photographer to capture the moment!!

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