Monday, August 03, 2009

meal planning monday

Monday: Kitchen CLOSED (tearing out old countertops)
Tuesday: Kitchen CLOSED (getting granite countertops)
Wednesday: Fajita Pizza w/ homemade hot sauce
Thursday: Goulash w/ cornbread and squash
Friday: Steaks w/ baked potatos and salad
Saturday Lunch: Pizza
Saturday Dinner: Flash Roasted Crispy Ranch Chicken w/ rice and broccoli
Sunday Lunch: Chicken Poppyseed w/ salad and rolls
Sunday Dinner: Leftovers


Anonymous said...

Please keep posting your meal planning stuff! I love stealing your recipes!!

The Links said...

Courtney-Thanks so much for saying that!! I'm glad you are enjoying some of the recipes I cook!!

Lolly said...

I've got Fajita Pizza on my list too. Can I borrow some hot sauce. We don't eat enough for me to make it. Did you get your crust for 1.OO at Albertsons?