Back in 2013 when Matt and I went to San Antonio for our baby moon, we ate at The Guenther House for breakfast on the recommendation from multiple people. It was so good that we made it a top priority to eat there again on this trip!!

Matt and I ordered the exact same thing we got last time. I got the biscuits and sausage gravy with fruit and a side of bacon. Matt got the banana waffle. Both were just as good as we remembered them to be. The boys split a short stack and some eggs and bacon.
Our next stop was the Alamo. I showed Nash this picture yesterday, and even after a week since seeing it, he said "It's da -Aaa-Mo." Pretty impressive for a two year old!!

While we were there we let Pearson get a Texas fact book from the gift shop. I feel like a mean Mom for not getting Nash anything, but he didn't really care.
After we had seen the Alamo, we hopped on a boat for a River Tour. Once again, Pearson was our little tour guide, taking us all over the Riverwalk.

Two of my favorite things on the River Tour were this crazy tree growing out of a building…..
Even though Matt and I had already done this River Tour, it was fun to do it again and hear all the interesting facts about San Antonio and the Riverwalk.

We didn't do much else on the Riverwalk, because it was super humid down there.
We had to snap a quick picture though to show us on the Riverwalk. I wish we would have walked down a little more and gotten in a prettier area.
I thought it was fun to see me and Matt over the last 7 years on the Riverwalk. Picture #1 was us on our 1st anniversary trip in 2009 without kids. Picture #2 was us on our Babymoon. Pearson (2.5) was in Sherman with Grammy & Grandaddy and I was about 7 or 8 months pregnant with Nash. Picture #3 is us with our two little munchkins in tow.

We ate BBQ for lunch at a place I can't even remember the name of. It was nothing special. Matt and I have come to the realization that we are spoiled to Stanley's BBQ in Tyler. There is just no better BBQ than Stanley's. Nash got a quick snooze in the hotel when we got back, then we were off to SeaWorld again for an afternoon in the water.
When we were at SeaWorld on Monday, Nash really took notice of the roller coasters. He deemed them "Roasters" though. Why not? It's a perfect combination of the word roller and coaster! He was thrilled when he finally got to ride a "roaster"!!
Nash was not so thrilled when he wasn't tall enough to right the Shamu Express "roaster".
Pearson and Matt are in the first Shamu cart here.
We really didn't know if Pearson would love it or hate it, but he was all smiles when he got off and said he liked the fast part the best!!
We knew the picture was coming, so we decided to make silly faces for it.
Matt and Pearson rode a spinny ride together that I refused to go on because I don't do rides that spin. I forgot to get a picture of them though. Our last ride of the afternoon was a Ferris Wheel type ride. The boys loved how high we got. We could see the entire Bay of Play from the very top!!
From the top of our Ferris Wheel we could see Elmo and all his friends, so we zipped over to see them and take a picture. Nash was a little star struck!!
We spent a good chunk of the afternoon playing at the awesome splash pad. It took both of the boys a little while to warm up to it, but we practically had to drag them away when it was time to go.
Our final stop at SeaWorld was to see Shamu!!
Such a beautiful & amazing creature. The boys were in awe!!!
I'm so glad we were able to take them to Shamu's show since it's the last year they will have the Killer Whales performing.