Saturday, August 22, 2009

my husband is the greatest

All teachers know that the week before school is absolutely crazy. This week has been nothing short of crazy for me!!

My sweet husband has been so patience with me this week though.

He never complained about the crummy meals that I threw together each night.

He never complained about the laundry that piled up so high it started to overflow into the bathtub.

He never complained about my multiple to do lists that were laying around all over the house.

He never complained about the growing pile of dishes in the sink.

He never complained about the mess from our party on Saturday staying in our kitchen all week long.

He never complained about only seeing me a couple hours each day.

He never complained about me working on school stuff the second I got home from school until the moment I crashed in bed.

I'm pretty sure I have the greatest husband!!

Thanks for being so patient with me this week. I love you, babe!!

1 comment:

  1. ya! way to go matt. ps i like his shirt!!
