Tuesday, August 11, 2009

my new kitchen

Let me remind you what it looked like before....

And here is how my kitchen looks now!!
I'm just now getting around to posting pictures because we just officially finished it last night. We decided to cut costs and save our backsplash. We didn't realize that the granite was a little shorter than the formica that we had, so when the granite guys were all done there was a small gap between the tile and the granite.
(If you click on the picture you can see it better.)
So last night, with the help of my Dad, we cut some small tile, filled in the small spaces, and caulked it to make it look like it was all part of the plan. Here is how it looks now.
While I'm showing you pictures of our new countertops, I thought I would give you a little tour of our kitchen.

This is the view from our living room.
I know I've already shown you my office space, but I thought I would show you again because I'm kind of obsessed with it. It's where I'm blogging right now!! The door goes into our laundry room.
Here's our laundry room.
Here's our eating area and the door goes out to our back patio.
I can't show this picture of our kitchen table without showing you a picture of what our kitchen table looked like before.
Mom found this table at a garage sale for about $20 or 30. It was ugly green and only had 5 chairs, but we saw potential in it. Mom painted it black for me and then we went to Canton and found a bench for $40, that was originally marked $120. Score!!!

I am so glad to have my kitchen all put back together. Maybe I'll be able to talk my husband into that Stainless Steel oven and microwave sooner than later so we can really be done with remodeling the kitchen!!

(Matty, if you are reading this.....hint hint, babe)

Oh and for those of you wondering how we got locked out of house last night. Here's the story in a nutshell.....

We decided to take a break from the tile work and go get dinner with my Dad.
Matt closed the garage door and ran out. We both realized that we didn't have our keys. We went and ate, hoping we had left a door unlocked. We came back home to discover no doors were unlocked. Our only spare key was in Rockwall with my Mom where she was eating dinner with friends. So we had to wait until she got home to get back in our house, We had enough time to watch a movie with my Dad at my parents house. My Mom finally got home around 10pm. So needless to say, we will be getting a couple more spare keys!!


  1. I love it! Y'all did an awesome job!

  2. This looks SO nice!! It really makes the kitchen look so much different!! Y'all should be proud!

  3. Oooh! Can't wait to see it in person this weekend.

  4. Your kitchen looks great! Sorry about the key last night.

  5. it looks great! I love the new "office" areas... very cutw!

  6. Love your table. What a great find (or smart move).

  7. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Katy, it's absolutely gorgeous! You have done such a wonderful job decorating and upgrading your house. I'm just dreaming of the day when I can do it too!
