Saturday, August 29, 2009

two weeks late

Two weeks ago we had Matt's family come over to celebrate Nicole's birthday, but I haven't had time to blog about it. So here it is.....

We had Spring Creek BBQ, homemade baked beans, chips, watermelon, and the famous homemade "Chucks Pickles" (I'll have to blog about that recipe later. Apparently they are the greatest pickles ever, but since I HATE pickles, I wouldn't know.) Oh, and we had Grammy's corn dip and Italian Creme Cake, too. Delicious!!!

I didn't pull my camera out until we went out to the pond behind our house to feed the ducks. It practically ended up turning into a photo session.

Ellie was feeding the ducks only the middle of the bread. I guess since she doesn't like the crust on the bread, she figured the ducks wouldn't either!!
Matt is so good with his sweet nieces and nephews. He had a blast feeding the ducks and the tons of turtles that live in the pond, too.
Seriously, is this face not the cutest thing you have ever seen??
The Links-Matt and Katy
The LeBlancs-Bryan, Nicole, Emma, & Ellie (and Ethan on the way...)
The Reeds- David, Jennifer, Peyton, & Preston
The Other Links- Stan & Alisa...aka Granddaddy & Grammy
All the little ones
I sure do love our family!!!

Emma loves our sweet Izzie girl. She would not put her down all night. Izzie loved being loved on all night, but she was worn out after the evening.
I love my sweet Preston & Ellie. I can't wait to have another nephew added to the family in October!!
While Matt, Ellie, and Peyton played the Wii, the rest of us played a little joke on Preston. He had been carrying around Granddaddy's Blackberry, so we decided to call it to see what he would do. He had no idea he was actually talking to his Dad who was in the same room. It was hilarious to watch him.
We feel so lucky to have such great families. We are truly blessed!!

1 comment:

  1. You have a great camera! Those pictures look professional! It's always great to have a good time with family!
