Sunday, September 20, 2009

25th birthday recap

My birthday celebration technically started yesterday.

Matt and I went and checked out McKinney Trade Days. It is similar to Canton, but much smaller. Since we were going to be out in the sun all day, Matt decided to give me my birthday present early.

I had debated on which sunglasses to get here, but I ended up picking out these lighter brown glasses. I really love them because they actually don't look that light. They really look more like the dark ones. I love them!!

Saturday evening, we went to Babe's with my family to celebrate Drew's birthday. My Mom went ahead and gave me my present when she gave Drew's his. I got birthday money to order this baby.....

I ordered my Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II lens last night as soon as we got home. It should be arriving in the mail sometime late this week!! I am so excited about this lens. McMama highly recommends it. It's a little and affordable lens that takes really crisp photos with blurry backgrounds. I can't wait to play around with it when it gets here.

Moving on to today...

We started this morning off quite early. My husband surprised me with a sweet birthday card and a Sonic gift card on my night stand. My husband is so thoughtful. I sure do love him. We had to get up early this morning to be at church for a Leadership Meeting at 8am. I didn't mind getting up early, because they had breakfast for us. They served eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, biscuits and gravy. Matt also randomly won a $25 giftcard to Olive Garden for answering a question right. It was a great way to start off our morning!!

After church we headed to Chipotle for lunch with my family. While we waited for my parents to get there, I decided I needed a birthday picture. But of course I forgot to bring my camera with me, so Matt took a picture of me with my new sunglasses on my iPhone.

My parents won a $100 (one time use) gift certificate a while back at an auction. My Mom suggested Chipotle for my birthday lunch since there would be a lot of us eating together. I love Chipotle, so I was excited to go there. When my Dad got up to the cash register, we hadn't even gotten to $100, so he paid for the family behind us and the guy behind them. I love how my Dad is always so generous to give to others. We were excited to get a free lunch, but I'm sure the people behind us were really excited to get an unexpected free lunch.

After lunch we came home, changed clothes, dropped Izzie off at the babysitters house (my parent's house), and headed to Sherman. We actually went to visit with Matt's best friend and his family. His father passed away suddenly this weekend of a heart attack. I'm glad that Matt was able to go down and be there for his best friend. Be in prayer for the McKee family as they are going through this difficult time.

Before we left town, we stopped by Matt's sister house to see their family. Our next stop was to BJ's for dinner. We lucked out in choosing BJ's, because they had great big TV's to watch the Cowboys game and they gave me a FREE Pazookie because it was my birthday!! I got a Peanut Butter Pazookie and it was amazing!!
(Again, I didn't have my camera, so please pardon the awaful quality of the piture.)

Overall, I had a wonderful birthday weekend, and it's not even over yet!! I get to celebrate with my kiddos and my Kinder team tomorrow!! Thank you to everyone who made my birthday special!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for not including the fact that you had to endure our filthy house during your visit. Glad to hear that you've had a good birthday weekend. Love you!!
