Sunday, September 13, 2009

early birthday celebration

We met all of Matt's family in McKinney tonight to celebrate my birthday and Stan's birthday a little early. We went to a restaurant downtown called Aparicio's. It was delicious!!

Stan and I both got a free sopapilla for our birthday. I haven't had one of those things in forever. It was soooo yummy!!

This was the best picture that we could get with all the kiddos. Aren't my nieces and nephews so cute??

And here's Stan, a.k.a Grandaddy, with all the kids. It's really hard to get 4 kids to look at the camera at the same time!!

Happy Birthday Stan!!

Thanks for a great night. And thanks for the birthday presents. I love you all of you!!


  1. Hey there! Love reading your blog. If you like Aparicio's, there is also one in Plano on 18th Street between Avenue K and 75. Their breakfast is awesome. :)

  2. We love you too. Love these pics of the kids...what a bunch of monkeys!!
