Monday, September 14, 2009

happy birthday ryan!

My big brother's birthday was today. We celebrated at my parent's house with all the family. My Mom prepared a delicious meal. We had Turkey Tenderloins wrapped in bacon (grilled by my Dad), potato casserole, brocoli, fried okra, and rolls. Mmmm!!
But the best part was what Ryan picked for his "birthday dessert."

Mom's famous Eclairs
Here is the birthday boy, his wife, Ashley and baby Carson! Aren't they a cute little family?
Before we left my parents house I asked my Mom to take a picture of me and Matt. I haven't been taking a lot of pictures lately, so I'm really trying to take pictures everywhere we go. Matt was ready to go home and not really in the mood for pictures so I threaten him a little!!
And it paid off because I got a good picture out of him!!
I know this post is supposed to be all about Ryan's birthday, but I just had to post these sweet pictures I took of Carson. He is Ryan's pride and joy, so I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

Happy Birthday Ryan!!

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