Wednesday, September 16, 2009

it's the simple things in life

It's the simple things in life that make me happy.

Like these new buggies from Target. I could push them around the store forever. They just glide through the store without a single noise. The wheels don't jiggle went you start to go. They don't make awful noises when you move. They don't suddenly get hard to push when your buggie is full. They are simply amazing. Has anyone else had the pleasure of pushing these red beauties down an aisle of Target??

I know I probably sound crazy for blogging about this or maybe I'm even crazier for tweeting/facebooking about it earlier today. Or maybe you think I'm crazy for calling it a buggie. Go ahead make fun of me!!

But if your Target doesn't have these awesome new buggies you should call and complain or something. Really. They are amazing.


  1. I love the carts too. Before our Target was open I would go to the Allen one and they had the new carts.

  2. Nope..You are NOT the only one who goes ON and ON about the new Target! Every time I go I seriously don't want to leave...Hmmm, is there something wrong with me!!?!?!

  3. Thank you for posting about the new buggies/carts! I wouldn't shut up about them when I first saw them and I definitely go out of my way to shop at a Target that has them- sometimes it's a 25 minute drive, but ya know what? It's worth it. They are so new and pretty :) Target is my happy place.

  4. I felt the same way! Man, to be a kid again and get pushed around in one!

  5. How do I get them installed?
