Monday, September 21, 2009

officer reunion

When I was in college, I was an officer in my sorority. It was so fun to serve along side these fabulous girls. We always had a good time when we were together.
Brooke, Ally, Martha, me, Gina, Jennifer, & Lauren

Martha lives out of state and was in Texas visiting family this week. When we heard that she would be in town, we did our best to get everyone together for a little "officer reunion." Four of us were able to meet up for dinner tonight.
Jennifer, me, Martha, and Brooke

It was so fun to catch up with these girls. We have semi kept up with each other through our blogs and facebook, but it has probably been 3 years since we all hung out last. It's crazy how we all just picked up right where we left off. We had a lot of ground to cover, but it was so fun to hear how everyone was doing. A lot has changed in 3 years. We are hoping for another "officer reunion" to get all 7 of us together sometime when Martha comes back in town for the holidays. I hope we can make it happen!!


  1. That sounds like fun!! I worked with Brooke at the Children's Center on campus. She was very sweet and I loved working with her!!!

  2. I am soooo jealous I missed it!!! You ladies look wonderful!

  3. We better try to make it happen again over the holidays! I'm so sad I couldn't be there! And can we take a minute to look at the picture of the 7 of us and see how blonde my hair was- my goodness!

    Love you girls!

  4. That was SO fun just to hang out and catch up!! We will HAVE to do it again really soon!
