Saturday, September 19, 2009

saturday breakfast

We are both on the go/quick breakfast eaters during the week. Matt usually eats a granola bar and some fruit before he leaves and I usually grab something and eat it in the car.

When we first got married we started a little tradition to make breakfast every Saturday. It's not always something huge. Sometimes it's just a can of cinnamon rolls. But we always have breakfast together on Saturday.

I'm going to start to share some of the recipes I make on Saturdays every now and then. Feel free to share any yummy breakfast recipes you have with me!! I'm always looking for something new to make.

Today I made Hobo Pancakes.
My Mom used to make these when we were kids. We LOVED them. We especially enjoyed watching them bake, because they form mountains and peaks while they they cook. Here's the recipe if you'd like to try them.

Hobo Pancakes

6 T. butter or margarine
6 eggs
1 c. flour
3/4 salt
1 c. milk

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Melt butter in a 9x13-inch pan. Whip eggs. Add flour, salt, and milk. Whip at least 2 minutes. Pour into the pan with melted butter. Bake 20 minutes or until golden brown. Cut into squares and serve with warm syrup.


**I half the recipe for me and Matt and put it in a square pan.


  1. Hey Katy a great breakfast recipe that I made for my husbands birthday one year was a croissant french toast with fresh strawberry syrup. This one is a little more invoved but it is yummy! Enjoy :)


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