Sunday, September 27, 2009

the state fair of texas

Last year Matt and I missed the fair because we were busy with birthdays, wedding planning, and out of town for our honeymoon. We were determined to make it to the fair this year, especially since I got a free ticket and Matt got a discounted ticket through his work.
Since Matt takes the train to work and has a year pass for the train, we decided to take the train to the fair. An all day pass for me was only $4, so it was well worth it. We got on the first train at 9:24 and arrived at the gates of the fair right at 10:00. It was a quick trip.

Our first stop was to greet Big Tex and take pictures with him.
Our next stop was to try the Fried Peaches & Cream, which was awarded the best taste this year. They were delicious!! We opted not to try the Fried Butter. First off, it sounded disgusting, but secondly, it won "Most Creative" which doesn't necessarily mean that it tasted good.
After our brunch, we headed to a dog show. The dogs and trainers in the show were so talented. I think it would be so cool to have a well trained dog.
Our next stop was my favorite of all. We went to the Children's Barnyard.

This little giraffe was so cute. We never got to see him stand up because he was snoozing away. He was all curled up. I had no idea that was how they slept.
I got to feed this camel.
When I started to feed him, he just about ate my cup! I was laughing so hard at him!!
I also got to feed an emu.
Matt got to feed the bison.
And he also got to feed this funny little guy. I can't remember what he was called, but he was definitely funny looking.
This llama showed me his pearly whites and posed for a picture for me!!
I just had to get a picture of this little zebra.
And I just couldn't pass up this picture. The little piglets were going so hard after their mama's milk. Isn't the mama huge??
Can you tell that I LOVED the Children's Barnyard??

After the petting zoo, it was time for another snack. We stopped for some yummy roasted corn.
We stopped and watched a "Pirates of the Caribbean Diving Show", but it was pretty stupid so we left.

For lunch, Matt had to get a Fletcher's corn dog. Didn't he squiggle his mustard just perfect??
I love the breading of a corn dog, but I don't like the weinie. I never get corn dogs because I feel bad paying so much and not even eating half of it. But this year, I found a wonderful alternative, Fried Cheese on a Stick. It was just like a corn dog, but had cheese in it instead of a weinie. It was delicious!!
After lunch we took a tour of the Cotton Bowl. I had never been in it, so it was pretty cool. We got to go in the locker rooms, the press boxes, and the media room.
We also got to go down on the field and take pictures.
Before we left the fair, we had to ride the Ferris Wheel.

I had never rode a Ferris Wheel before so I thought it was pretty cool!!
It was so neat to see the whole fair from way up high. In the distance we saw downtown Dallas and we could even see The Cowboys stadium!! Crazy huh??
Our last stop before we left the fair was to stop for dessert. We tried the Fried Snickers. It was pretty good!!
I had so much fun spending the entire day with my husband. I don't think I'll ever miss the fair again!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so jealous of the corny dog with the perfect amount of mustard!!!! Sending love to the TX fair from WA!
