Wednesday, October 21, 2009

costume ideas

Next Wednesday Matt and I will be working at our church Fall Festival. The theme this year is "Get Your Game On". Each ABF is supposed to come up with a theme for their station. The theme has to be a children's game. Everything has to go with the game your ABF chooses. The costume, the set-up, the game the kids play, and the prize will all be focused around that particular children's game.

As you can see, our class chose to do Guitar Hero.

Fall Festival is next Wednesday, and I don't have anything for our costumes.

I desperately need some ideas. Do you have any suggestions for a Guitar Hero/Rocker costume??


  1. I'm guessing that dressing like the guys in KISS wouldn't be an option...heehee!

  2. Actually our teacher is going all out like Gene Simmons!! It should be funny!!

  3. A girl I taught with got the sleeves that look like tattoos going all the way down a couple of years ago and wore black boots going up to the knees with fish nets! Just an idea!

  4. Kathy Brodhead has a shirt with those tatoo sleeves you might could borrow.
