Sunday, November 08, 2009

happy 1 year blogiversary!!

Last November 8th was my first post on The Link Home!!

It's been a whole year since I've started this crazy habit. I'm so glad I started it, because it sure is neat to look back and see all the things that we have done in the past year. I can't wait to share many more memories on my blog in the years to come.

You can celebrate my one year blogiversary by following my blog!! (Just scroll down and click on the follow button.) I would love to know who all my readers are!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy blogiversary! It's so fun to look back at old posts! I normally change the html coding on my photos in order to make them appear larger on my blog. BUT blogger just added a new feature so that you can now have extra large photos when you upload them one by one. Have you tried that? If not, you'll have to change where it says /s320 to /s640 in the html coding. Let me know if you have any questions! Hope that helps.

