Monday, November 16, 2009


My school district has this dumb "No Denim Policy." The only days we can wear jeans are on our 3 party days. (Halloween, Christmas & Valentines) It is so annoying to not be able to wear jeans on Fridays like most other school districts.

Luckily every now and then our principal lets us buy jean days. I mean literally buy them. We pay to wear jeans, that is how much teachers like to wear jeans.

Last week when we were short for donations to the Christian Care Center our principal called over the announcements and said "Teachers pardon this interruption. Please check your e-mail for a "Blue Light Special" I checked my e-mail and he had told us that if we donated $8 in the next hour that we could wear jeans all week.

Of course I paid the $8, and so did the majority of our staff. Our principal told us today that we raised over $600 in less than an hour.

So this week our campus is full of lot of jean wearing happy teachers!!


  1. Gosh - I so know the feeling -- for our Red Ribbon Week, I dressed up every SINGLE day, so that I could wear jeans all week -- this included crazy hair day, lol

  2. I know the feeling too. When I worked for MISD it was the same way! Mr. Winn is AWESOME!

  3. So stinking jealous! I would love to wear them for a whole week!!! We get the occasional gift of wearing jeans on a Friday, but NEVER a whole week! I would pay more than $8 that is for sure!
