Wednesday, November 11, 2009

keepin' it fresh

Fresh produce can be so expensive, and it can ruin so quickly. Here's how I have found how to keep my produce fresher for longer.

This tupperware is amazing. I save so much money on my produce because of these. They keep my produce so fresh for so long, which means I don't have to buy it so often. Each container has a sticker on the side that says what fruits and vegetables can go in it. It also says whether the vents should be opened or closed.
I typically used the orange one for lettuce, the blue one for broccoli, carrots, or zucchini, and the teal one for cilantro. My produce usually last 2-3 weeks when kept in these containers.
I also have this little thing. I'm not sure what it's called, but it great!! When I only use a half of a tomato or onion I put the rest in here....
.....and then hang it in my refrigerator....

....and it all stays fresh!!


  1. Katy... I so need this stuff! Where is it from?! I want to go buy it!

  2. Yes! Where did you get this stuff!?!?

  3. do these fit in your produce drawers still?
