Monday, November 23, 2009

meal planning monday

Monday: Chicken Poppyseed Casserole. Broccoli, & Rolls

Tuesday: Chicken Cordon Bleu, Rice, & Veggies

Wednesday: Spaghetti & Meatsauce, Salad, & Garlic Toast

Thursday: Thanksgiving

Friday: Thanksgiving Leftovers

Saturday Breakfast: Breakfast Casserole

Saturday Lunch: Sandwiches & Chips

Saturday Dinner: Baylor Game @ Cowboy Stadium

Sunday Lunch: Last Sunday Lunch w/ our ABF

Sunday Dinner: Crab Triangles & Soup


  1. What is your recipe for Chicken Cordon Bleu?

  2. Nothing to do with food...But I am really jealous you are going to the Tech/Baylor Game!!!! I am a Raider Alumni! GO TECH! Sorry Matt and Mrs. St. John...:)

    BTW, I met your Mom when I picked up an apron she made for me! She is the sweetest!

  3. No recipe Amy!!

    It's just from Sam's. Pop it in the oven!!
