Friday, November 27, 2009

thanksgiving 2009

I did an awful job at taking pictures this Thanksgiving. I didn't get any pictures of me and Matt.

Oh well. There's always next year.

I love the reason we celebrate Thanksgiving. I love thinking about all that I have to be thankful for. As far as the food goes, Thanksgiving is just another meal to me. But, from what I hear, my grandma make the best Thanksgiving food around. I just don't care for turkey and dressing.

This Thanksgiving Matt's sister were both spending the day with their in-laws, so Matt's parents came over to my grandma's for lunch. We were so lucky this year to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with both of our parents at the same place!

Doesn't Nonnie and my Mom look great?? I hope I look as good as they do when I get older.

While I was picking around at my food, this little guy was eating everything his Mommy put in front of him. His favorite was the green beans.
After lunch, Carson found my purse and wouldn't put it down. He didn't try to dig through it once, he just carried it all over the place.
When he got done with my purse he moved onto his Mommy's blackberry.
Who needs toys when you can play with real things??

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

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