Thursday, December 24, 2009

christmas eve

Tonight we celebrated Christmas at my parent's house. We went to the Christmas Eve Service then came back home for a snack supper and gifts.
I always love my Mom's Christmas tree. She does such a good job decorating for Christmas. Most of my Christmas decorations are just copied from my Mom.
It's so fun to have a little one around at Christmas. We all could just sit around and watch Carson. Carson loves to play with anything that has wheels, cell phones, house phones, & remotes! He's likes real things!!
We gave him a puzzle with his name on it and he seemed pretty interested in it, until.... Dad rolled in a custom painted low-rider wagon. I'm not sure who liked it more Carson or his Daddy.
He was so happy just sitting in it! He loved it.
Dad's big surprise was an album that my Mom made on Snapfish of all of his cars through the years. Dad is always so hard to buy for, so it was fun for him to get a gift that totally surprised him.
After supper and gifts, this little dude got in the softest PJ's ever and headed home to wait for Santa to come.
We all stuck around for a while and played some Mexican Train with my Uncle and cousins.
I absolutely love spending time with my family and Matt's family for Christmas, but the thing I look forward to the most is the sweet time Matt and I get to spend together Christmas morning. I love starting and making new traditions for our family.

Tomorrow is Christmas!!

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