Saturday, December 26, 2009

christmas morning

Last year when Matt and I celebrated our first Christmas we told our parents we would get together with them anytime but Christmas morning. We wanted to always reserve Christmas morning for our family Christmas. Since we don't have any children right now, it doesn't really matter, but I love that we have already started some Christmas morning traditions that we will start with our children someday. Santa Claus will never have to find us on Christmas Eve, because we will always be at our house.

We started Christmas morning by sleeping late. Matt's sister said they were up at 5:20 opening gifts. I'm so glad we weren't up that early!!

Izzie was very anxious to open up her stocking. She heard something that sounded like treats!!
She was right. She had some treats, a new collar and a flower for her collar, and a new bed in her stocking. We also opened up our stocking and Izzie got to test out her new bed.
It didn't take her long to snuggle up in it!!
Matt totally spoiled me with all my wonderful gifts. He's a great shopper!!
I surprised Matt with a guitar this year. He has been begging for one for quite some time now. He has always wanted to play the guitar. I didn't get a picture of him with his guitar, but hopefully I'll get some pictures of him while he's learning to play!!

Christmas breakfast is one of my favorite traditions. This year I made an Egg Casserole, Monkey Bread, Sausage Rolls, & Mimosas.
We had a wonderful Christmas morning with each other. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas morning with your family, too!!

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