Tuesday, December 01, 2009

december resolution

Every January 1st, like every other human being, I make a New Years Resolution to get back into shape. I don't always necessarily want to lose weight, I just want to be more consistent working out and eating healthy.

I always do good from about January to August, but as soon as school starts in August, I get crazy busy with school. I don't ever seem to slow down until October and then I just get lazy. After I get over being lazy November and December hits and I get crazy busy again with the holidays.

This year I decided to kick start getting back into shape.
I started the 30 Day Shred video again today and I plan on doing it every day for the month of December (except on Christmas of course). That would be 30 days. I've never done it for 30 consecutive days. Heck, I never even did it 30 days. I did it 10 days before school started and then I had no time at all after that.

So my plan for the rest of the week is to get up at 5am and do the 30 Day Shred. I'm busy every evening this week, so if I don't get up and do it, I might not ever get around to it. It's only 25 minutes long, so I have no excuse not to wake up 45 minutes earlier to get my work out in.

We'll see how it goes. I'll keep ya posted.

Oh and I also downloaded an application on my phone called Lose it! I can track how many calories I consume & burn in a day. You can also set goals and keep track of your weight. It's really cool. If you have an iPhone, you should definitely download it.

Wish me luck on keeping up with my December Resolution!!


  1. What does it help tone?? I might want to start too!!

  2. SOOOO How is that Shred going??? Let me know and I will start Jan. 1st HA!!!! Great GOAL and I am VERY proud of your effort!!! This is the month I need it most! YOU GO GIRL!!
