Friday, December 04, 2009

drum roll please

And the winner is.....

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-12-04 21:47:23 UTC

Which is....

Who said.....

Blogger The Aggie Gardners said...

Facebook status...check!

2:44 PM

Jennifer- e-mail me at katymlink (at) gmail (dot) com and get me your address and I'll get your cookbook to you as soon as possible!!

If you didn't win but you are interested in purchasing a cookbook, you can also e-mail. I will get one sent to you as well. They are $15 + shipping!!

Thanks for entering my giveaway. I had fun!!

**And check back on my blog later to see what has been happening at The Link Home. I have about 7 posts started but haven't had time to publish any. It's been a crazy week.

1 comment:

  1. katy! Hey girl - I love when I find old friends' blogs! Looks like life is going oh-so-well! Merry Christmas!
