Friday, December 11, 2009

a very tacky christmas

We went to our final Christmas party of the season last night.

I took lots of pictures.....possibly too many!!

Our ABF teacher George and his wife Angela opened up their home for our party and also catered some delicious fajitas for dinner.
Thank you so much George & Angela for all you do for our class!!

We all came in our tackiest Christmas attire.
Here are some close-ups of all our tacky Christmas clothes.

Me and my hubby
Matt's sweatshirt said "Be Naughty: Save Santa the Trip".
The Zellners
The Zoutendams
The Bledsoes
The Henrys
The Hutchisons
The Janes
The Hares
The Parks
The Kiekhoefers
The Stones
Our senior paster Gary and his wife stopped by the party for a while. How neat is that??
Have I ever mentioned how much I love our church??

After we stuffed ourselves with fajitas we opened up our gag gifts. Some of the best gifts of the night were.....

a belly dancing kit.....
a talking Mark Cuban doll (it even beeped out curse word)....
an albino goldfish (provided by us).......
a creepy little cat (with air holes in the box and all).....
and more goldfish!!
And thanks to this friendly white elephant gift exchange, I am now the proud new owner of a Snuggie. I couldn't be more excited. I've been wanting one for a long time.


  1. I think your outfit was the "tackiest"...:) Thumbs up on getting a snuggie! We bought one too for doing the white elephant with Wayne's family!

  2. If I had drawn your name this year, I was SO getting you a Snuggie. Glad you ended up with one. :)
