Saturday, January 23, 2010


Last night our ABF rented out the Galleria Ice Skating Rink to play some late night broomball. We had the rink rented out from 11:15-12:15, so it was a very late night for me. Normally I don't stay up late on Friday nights, but this was well worth it!!
It was a lot harder than it looked, but I some how managed to score one goal. Matt, on the other hand, scored a plethora for his team.
A fun night was definitely had by all!!


  1. fun... i love broom ball!

    Random... I like your jeans. :) Where are they from?!

  2. My jeans are from Abercromie. My only piece of clothing I own from there. Unfortunately, I bought them 8 years ago!! HAHA!!! They are from my Jr. Year in high school!!

  3. soooooo fun! what's ABF? you look so cute in your pic skinny! xoxo

  4. These are such cute pictures! We had such a great time and congrats again on the amazing goal!
