Thursday, January 21, 2010

finger lickin' good

I decided to bust out my Pioneer Woman cookbook tonight.
I made chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy.
I love her cookbook because she gives pictures for every step of the recipe. Her tip for the chicken fried steak was to have four plate stations.
Here are my four plates:
1. the seasoned meat
2. the egg/milk mixture
3. the flour mixture
4. the ready to cook meat

In her cookbook she says, "You're doing it right if you're hands get really messy."
I guess I was doing it right!!
Frying food has always scared me. I had never fried anything until tonight.
My husband posted on Facebook & Twitter that I make a mean chicken fried steak, so it looks like this won't be my last time to fry something!!

If you don't have the Pioneer Woman's cookbook, it's worth the investment just for this recipe!!


  1. I always make a huge mess when I fry stuff. I use multiple plates, too. I think it's the best way!! Looks yummy...

  2. I LOVE my PW cook book! I got it for Christmas. So far, we've only made the Olive bread...we had it with lasagna. Mmmmm, but ya gotta like olives.

    There are so many recipes I want to try!
