Friday, January 01, 2010

new years resolutions

Last year I made quite a few New Years Resolutions. I was actually able to keep all but a couple of them. I didn't resolve to anything huge or out of the ordinary. They were all simple things that I knew I could do. I just wanted to type them out so I would hold myself accountable. I plan to do the same thing this year.

I know it looks like I have a ton of New Year's Resolutions but they are just small things.

Here are my resolutions for 2010.....

I want to back up all my pictures, music and documents to an external hard drive and also back them up some where else.

I want to find new ways to work out, since we canceled our gym membership this year.

I want to read my 365 day devotional daily.

I want to write in our Blessings Book daily.
(I'll blog later about our Blessings Book)

I want to have people over for dinner more often.

I want to comment more on other people's blogs. I love getting comments, but I'm so lazy and never comment on anyone else's blog.

I want to continue learning more about digital scrapbooking & photography.

I want to finish some decorating projects so my house can be completely decorated.

I want to learn how to sew.

I want to have my Christmas shopping and Christmas cards done before Thanksgiving.

I want to make new stockings.

I want to keep my house, my classroom, and my computer more organized.

I want to simplify my life and enjoy every moment of 2010.


  1. Hey Katy! One of my goals this year is also to simplify my life so that I can really enjoy what I have. I recently picked up a Christian book that goes along with that, and I'm really enjoying it so far. It's called Living Simply by Joanne Heim. Thought I'd recommend it in case you're looking for something to read :)

  2. Katy I love reading your blog posts...they always inspire me to blog more. I hope that this new year brings you lots of happiness...good luck with your resolutions!

  3. KSJ-Link,

    Love ya girl. I will resolve to comment on more blogs as well, starting with yours. Happy New Year to the Link home!

  4. i am SOOOOOOO excited that you found me!!!! and i LOVE that you have a blog too!!!! i can't wait to read and see what all you've been up to! congrats on the hubby ;-) xoxo

  5. Hey Katy! I did that photo layout in Google's Picasa. I use Picasa as a backup online photo storage. It's easy because it auto syncs with my iphoto. You can create photo layouts very fast and use easy editing tools. I use it when I'm feeling lazy and don't want to take the time to use photoshop. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I love reading your resolutions! A couple of ours were the same. I want to do better at commenting on blogs (especially yours) since I read them all the time... but I also want to really learn how to be a GOOD, Consistent blogger myself. Also.... want to try new recipes and I get lots from the cookbook you gave me and from your blog!!! Just wanted you to know that your blog is really inspirational!!! :) OH YEAH... and want to be a better friend and get better at staying in touch with friends other than just a text here and there ... HOW LAZY!!!
