Wednesday, January 06, 2010

words with friends

Matt and I have a new obsession on our iPhone
Align Center
Words With Friends
We were immediately hooked, the second we started playing. It's basically like Virtual Scrabble.

If you have an iPhone, get Words With Friends, and play a game with me.

My username is katylink.

(P.S. Notice who is winning in the game I have picured!!)


  1. I'm obsessed with Lexulous - it's a similar game on Facebook which they advertise an app for the iPhone. If I had an iPhone, I'd be playing nonstop!

    Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing

  2. Hey, us too!! My sisters and parents and I all play it nonstop!

  3. That's funny you posted this. My friend Jess was playing with her fiance the other day and I thought it was really neat. I was just telling my mom about it today. You can get the app on Itouch, too!

  4. LOL! Just got this yesterday, after in service at school, and other teachers were telling me I had to get it! I will add you. Too funny!

    P.S. I've happened across your blog a couple times, but not sure when. Funny how you can get 'lost' in the blog world!

  5. Looks like you forgot to mention who won the 1st game we played......
