Saturday, February 13, 2010

pioneer woman cinnamon rolls

Yesterday I set out to make The Pioneer Woman's famous Cinnamon Rolls.

I figured if I was going to make the dough, I might as well make her Orange Marmalade Rolls too!!

I made a huge mess...
.....but it was totally worth it. They are delicious!!

The Cinnamon Rolls
(My cinnamon rolls look a little different from hers because I didn't put the black coffee in the icing.)

The Orange Marmalade Rolls

The Cinnamon Rolls and Orange Marmalade Rolls were great, but having The Pioneer Woman personally encourage me on Twitter was even better!!
Pioneer Women Twitter
I'm not going to lie, I kind of felt like I was famous for a little bit after I saw that she mentioned me in her tweet.

It totally made my cinnamon roll making experience!!


  1. I think this makes me kind of a nerd, but I thought it was pretty darn cool that she mentioned you in her tweet. She's like a blog celebrity!

  2. Those look really good. Maybe me and Ry will come have breakfast : )

  3. I also made the cinnamon rolls this last weekend, and they were DELICIOUS!!! SO worth the time waiting for them to rise. :)
