Wednesday, March 31, 2010

*gold star*

I earned my gold star today!!


I ran 15 minutes and walked 20 minutes.
(I should mention that I HATE running, so 15 minutes of running is freakin' awesome for me!!)

I like to make lists and check things off, so hopefully a "work-out sticker chart" will work for me!! I've got less than 2 months until our cruise. It better work!!

I know, I know......I'm a dork!!

I teach Kindergarten, what do you expect?

Sticker charts are my thing!!


  1. I love it! I actually record my work-outs on my CFA calendar that comes with a new coupon each month! :)

  2. what do you get for your gold stars?? i need a little more motivation than a sticker. ;-)

  3. What do you earn from your stars? Anything?

  4. I actually think it is kind of cute. And I know how you feel. It is the satisfaction that you have no days without stars and you have accomplished what you set out to accomplish. Way to go Katy!

  5. LOOOOVE the chart! i am off to make one now.

  6. The stickers don't really earn me anything except me knowing I'll look better in my bathing suit on our cruise every day I work out. That's enough motivation for me. I'm not ready for bathing suit season!!

  7. so cute and good luck:)

  8. Love it!!! Great idea!! So fun that you colored it!!:) I'm ready for you to have a baby :) with all your cute ideas.. I know you are going to have great ones to share!!!!
