Friday, March 19, 2010

honduras mission trip

{Mission Trips}

My Jr. year in college I went on a mission trip to Siquatepeque, Honduras.
It was an incredible experience that I hope to be able to do again someday. I would love to go on a mission trip with my husband. I think that would be a really neat thing to get to experience together as a couple.

My mission trip to Honduras was not what I expected at all. Most mission trips you think about doing street evangelism or working with the poor and underprivledged. We did do a little bit of that each day, but the majority of our work was manual labor. We worked on building an orphanage in Honduras. The missionary we were working for had such a neat vision. The orphanage would have little homes where 3-5 children would live in with a married adult couple. It would be set up just like a home, but without a kitchen. There was a dining hall, a school house, a chapel and a medical clinic also being built in this orphanage. We had the privledge of literally laying the foundation for the medical clinic, which was the first building of the orphanage to be built. We flattened the land, layed the concrete, mixed the mortar and built the walls of the hospital. Of course we didn't get to see the finished product, but I know that the Lord has blessed many children who have walked through the doors of the hospital that we helped build.

Instead of sharing pictures with your I thought I would post the scrapbook I made after my trip to Honduras.
Head over to Kelly's Korner to read about more mission trips.


  1. Your blog is so cute! What an awesome trip to Honduras! I love all your pictures! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I went to Honduras on a mission trip too! I loved reading about your trip, and seeing your pictures!

  3. What a fun trip!! I loved the picture of you putting on your mascara by looking on the back of your Ipod!

  4. i spy with my little eye.....

    MY HUBBY!!!


  5. Thanks for sharing about your trip! I am very impressed with your scrapbook pages! Nice work!

  6. Hey Christie-I'm so sorry that you had to find out through my blog that your husband had a previous "marriage" Ha!!

  7. whoaaaaa katy,

    Ha! I just looked at all these pics and it brought back a flood of memories! SUCH an awesome, enriching time. Glad to see you are doing great my friend. Blessings.
