Tuesday, May 04, 2010

engage sunday

On Sunday morning we didn't put on our Sunday best like we normally do.  We didn't head to our classroom for Bible Study and we didn't go to "big church". Instead we put our shorts, t-shirts, and tennis shoes and hopped on a bus to go serve our community. 
We headed to Vickery Park Apartment and worked with a ministry called Refugee Resources.  Vickery Park Apartments is a complex that is mostly home to many refugees.  Many of the refugees were from Somalia.  

When we arrived we divided into a few teams.  Some played with the kids, some cooked, some made breakfast burritos and some served food. 
I was a part of the burrito making team!!
The "grill team" cooked some cheesy eggs, potatoes, and ham to make some mean breakfast burritos.
Angela and I had a nice little system going.  I stuffed the burritos and she rolled the burritos. We helped make about 400 burritos to serve over 150 people.
Julie and Michelle were our juice girls!!
We had such a fun day serving our community and those in need.
I'm so thankful for my wonderful church family that I got to serve with.

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