Saturday, May 15, 2010


There are a ton of coupon blogs on the web these days.  There is really no need to follow all of them though, because they all post the same deals.  

I have found that my favorite coupon blog is hip2save.  You should check it out.....especially if you are new to couponing or if you are interested in starting.  At the bottom of her blog, she has a section called "Couponing 101."  She literally walks you through everything you need to know to begin couponing.  

My favorite thing that she does on her blog is her "Follow Me Monday" videos.  She is the cutest thing ever and she always makes me laugh with her little videos on Monday.  

I'm super excited that I have finally found a coupon blog that I love!!  I am so much better at couponing in the summer when I'm not working and have more time to look for good deals.  Maybe I'll be even better now that I have a great blog to help me out this summer!!


  1. I am sure that you already do this, but for some that read your blog they might not. If there is a specific product that I really want, I go to their website, and normally they have coupons there. For example, I really wanted this hair removal stuff called Veet. So I google it and sure enough, had a $3.00 off coupon. So if there is ever something that you want but don't have coupon for, try their website. Just another helpful thing that I learned. Thanks for sharing all of your coupon success with all of us!

  2. Thanks Katy! I've already taken advantage of some of the coupons and offers on this blog. Love saving money!
