Tuesday, May 18, 2010

my photography wishlist

I want to add some new things to my camera bag!! 

Here's some of the things I'm wishing for right now.....

Tamron AF 28-75mm f/2.8

Okay, I would really love this one, but it's a little too expensive. 

And while I'm dreaming.....
I'll take one of these too!!


  1. That camera bag is so cute and hip! I got my sister in law that strap for Christmas last year

  2. Swoon. It sounds like you and I have the same wish list! HA! I just bought one of her camera straps off etsy & I LOVE IT!!!! So much better than the other one I had! The 85mm is top on my list...I think it's a MUST have! And I've heard lots of RAVES about the Tamron, too!!! I know the Mark II is a great camera...but I'm swooning over the Nikon D700 *sigh*.

  3. Have you looked at the Shoot Sac? It's not as cute as that bag but you can wear it though your entire session and have everything you need right at your hip. Pretty cool!
