Saturday, June 19, 2010

aunt katy to the rescue

On Saturday night, my brother and sister-in-law went to a wedding.  They took him to the wedding, but after an hour or so, they realized he wasn't going to make it.  They called us to see if I could keep Carson and of course I said yes!!  I love my little Carson to pieces!!

I learned I am not cut out for a 2 year old yet.  Our house is not toddler proof at all!!  We had a blast though.  I just had to watch him every second because I never knew what he was going to get into.  He was so funny because he literally asked "Was dat?" (What's that?) about everything.  I love this age because they are so curious about everything!!   

We started the evening by eating some Sonic for dinner.  This little guy loves to eat!!
We played with Izzie.  Carson loves Izzie and Izzie loves Carson.  They really do play well together.  Izzie knows she has to tone it down a little because Carson is small. Carson just giggles the whole time they play together.  It's adorable!!
We went on a walk and then came back to watch the ducks by the pond.
We played with my big bouncy exercise ball and read lots of book.
Carson loves to read books.  That makes this Kindergarten teacher very happy!!
Keeping Carson makes me excited to start a family someday.  It sure was fun to have a little one running around the house!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for you to start a family either. We have baby fever. I think Carson is ready to be a big brother. If you ask him he always says he wants a sister.
