Wednesday, June 23, 2010

coupon class

If you commented that you were interested in coming to a coupon class when I posted about it here, check your facebook messages.  I just sent you a message with choices of dates.  

I can't wait to show you how to find some great deals.  Today I stopped by Target, Walgreens, CVS & Sprouts and scored all this stuff for about $25!! Plus I still have $16.50 Register Rewards to spend at Walgreens on my next purchase!!
I normally don't go to that many stores in one day, but I was avoiding cleaning!!  

Can you tell that we love watermelon?? Actually my husband loves it more than I do.  He inhales it.  Those four watermelons might last us a week!!

**If you didn't comment on my last post, but are interested in coming to the coupon class, just shoot me an e-mail at katymlink (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll send you the info.

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